Friday, May 30, 2014

No Time to Workout-- Workout Anyway!

Even if it's just for 10 minutes, you will absolutely benefit by elevating your heart rate. While this may not transform the way you look, 10 minutes is plenty long for your body to elevate its metabolism instead of staying in couch-potato mode. If you know that you're going to have a busy day, try to plan ahead. You want to elevate your heart rate, but not sweat too much. Try walking briskly to each destination that day—up the stairs to work, out to lunch, to the next meeting, etc. This will require enough planning to make sure you've got proper footwear for the day. If you have some other downtime, use it to stretch. Brisk walking on pavement can make your muscles tight, but a few minutes of sporadic stretching can do wonders.

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