Take The Challenge

What is a Challenge Group?

How many times have you began to start a new workout program or healthy "diet", only to lose all motivation & willpower after that first week?!  Or maybe you didn't  know WHAT or HOW MUCH you should be eating or WHICH workout was right for YOU?  What is the missing link?
One of my favorite things I do as a coach, is run Challenge Groups!  I run them with several other coaches on my team and we have anywhere from 15-20+ challengers per group. The groups are private and last anywhere from 21, 60 or even 90 days.  They are ran through a private, online group page where we you just check in daily.  Every day there is a new focus or quick assignment to help you stay accountable & learn how to make this a LIFESTYLE change!

So what do you get out of a Challenge Group? 
  • Support 
  • Motivation 
  • Accountability 
  • Encouragement 
  • Learn how to portion control
  •  Learn all about Clean Eating 
  • Help getting set up with a meal plan  
  • Learn how to plan & prep your meals 
  • Get lots of awesome Eat Clean recipes & grocery lists 
  • Learn how to avoid binging, late-night snacking, emotional, stress and boredom eating 
  • Learn how to eat healthy in restaurants & social environments 

And most importantly, you will learn how to make this a LIFESTYLE that WORKS, and NOT a crash diet! 

It’s not just a body transformation though… it is going to set you up for long-term success in ALL areas of your life. You will need to be willing to open up and come to grasps with what has been holding you back in the past in order to LET GO and welcome the NEW YOU! 

To join my Challenge, I must be your assigned coach.  If you DO NOT yet have a Team Beachbody account yet, click here to sign up 

If you already have an assigned coach, you have TWO options: Reach out to your current coach and see if they run their own challenges (MANY do!) 

2.  If you are not working with your assigned coach or would like to switch to have ME as your coach, you can do so by calling Coach Relations at 800.240.0913 (goes into effect immediately) or send an email to coachrelations@teambeachbody.com (email takes approx. 24-72 hrs for this to go into effect) and request to have your coach changed to Eva Smith, Coach ID: 380590  

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