About Me

Hi! My name is Eva and I am not only a Beachbody Coach, but a Beachbody customer as well! I LOVE the 21 Day Fix and of course, Shakeology. I love seeing the results from hard work and dedication and let me tell you, IT WORKS!
I have always been an active person, playing sports all through school and even college-- even now I coach and hit the weights at the gym. I love to work out and play sports!
I am a high school special education teacher and I also coach high school volleyball and girls track and field. I love fitness and I love helping people which is why I decided to become a Beachbody coach. So, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me-- I would love to be your coach!

So let me take you alllll the way back to high school (It'll be short I'm only 25 ha).
My whole life I have been extremely active and thin. as early as 5 years old I had a basketball in my hand and was playing in Junior Bears all the way up until middle school. From then on I participated in volleyball, basketball, track, AAU basketball, and Club Volleyball. I was even Miss Teen WV. In college I continued to be active, I ran for Slippery Rock University's Girls Track team and I was always playing intramural volleyball and basketball.
Well then the grown up years came... I graduated and started my full time teaching job. I still loved sports so I also went into coaching. Even though I was still always on the run and pretty active, something happened. 25 hit me like a brick wall. All of a sudden I'm seeing a body that I had NEVER seen before. My hips grew (which I realize is out of my control) but so did my once little butt, and stomach. I packed on a good 15 pounds in what seemed like over night.
Since I have a wedding in January, and also since summer is coming, I decided I was NOT going to look like this for either of those two! So, I decided to take on the 21 Day Challenge and Shakeology. So far I have lost 9 pounds and FINALLY am back into my "skinny" jeans and can put my "fat" ones away! :)

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